If you have two clients who were initially added to the client list as individuals and you want to consolidate them into a group, it is as simple as merging them.
To merge clients to form a client group:
Locate the Client in the Client list, click 'More actions'>'Merge with another account'.
A pop-up window opens. Search for the client you want like to merge with and select their name from the drop-down list.
Once a client is selected from the search, the window expands for you to choose which client’s Assets and Liabilities should be kept. You are informed of the current values in the accounts to assist with the correct decision.
The Group name can also be altered (optional) and then click Merge.
WARNING: Only one set of Assets and Liabilities will remain, but all existing documents will be moved to the new Client Group. Once merged, the removed account's information cannot be reinstated...ensure you choose carefully!
Once merged, you will see the Client Group name in the Client list.
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