The integrations section allows you to setup and import your Praemium lists and link them to your client portals (assuming they are an active member on your portal).
Before you begin…
Before you enter your credentials, please contact Praemium at and request an access token.
The sync between Praemium and the portal occurs at the Adviser Level, not the company level. This means all Praemium client data you have sufficient permissions for will be imported when you enable the connection.
What data gets imported?
Once it is set up and linked, the portal will import your clients’ portfolio information and/or super balances. A read only view of your clients’ holdings, transactions and details will be displayed.
Note: Transactions are only viewable in the Wealth area under the asset, not in the Cashflow area.
How to link your Praemium account:
In your Partner Portal, go to Configure >Integration. Click 'Setup’ from within the Praemium integration tile.
Within the setup page, enter the 'Adviser GUID' you received from Praemium. Click ‘Save’.
Once your credentials are accepted, you will see the message ‘Successfully connected to Praemium. View Funds’
You can click on the ‘View Funds’ link in the message or return to Integrations and click ‘View Funds’ next to Praemium
- A list of your funds will be shown. The fund Name, Fund ID and MP account linking status will be displayed
How to link a fund to a client:
Find the name of the fund you would like to link to a portal client file
Click on ‘Link’ next to the name
In the pop up window, add the client’s email address used in the portal file and click the ‘Search’ button
- If the email address you entered is valid, you can choose the Fund type in the dropdown list (SMSF or Investment) and click ‘Link account’
The account status will show as ‘Pending’ in the ‘MP account’ column
- Once linked, account details will show in the ‘MP Account’ status column
You can then go to your client file and view the account in SMSF or Portfolios in their portal
Note: To view the email account linked to a file, click on the ‘Details’ link in the MP account column in the feeds page.
Note: It is important to click on the ‘Refresh Fund list’ icon regularly as new clients are added in Praemium often and will appear in the portal only after you have refreshed the environment.