When dealing with clients, sending them forms to complete by post or via email causes undue double handling and lack of security.
Wanting to streamline your information flow, save hours chasing paper, enhance your digital brandand store client data securely is important in today's ever changing world. By adding your forms to your partner portal, be it your fact finds, tax checklists or general questionnaires, clients can receive the forms in a timely, secure and portable manner.
The information is easily filled in, reviewed and sent back to you for better communication flow. Simply upload the forms to get them digitised and added to your portal
To Digitise your forms:
1. Click on this Link or in your Partner Portal, click on the Support button
2. The Support page will open. Click on 'Digitise your form'
3. Complete the information required and Choose the file of the form you would like to digitise. Add comment/information you would like us to consider and click Submit
NOTE: Only 1 form can be sent at a time, but just repeat the process to add the other forms required. It may take approximately 2 weeks to complete the upload to your Portal.