Once you have connected a client in the portal to their FYI Docs file it easy to sync the documents stored in the client's portal to their FYI Docs file.
To sync documents stored in the clients portal to FYI Docs:
1. Locate the client in the Client list and click the viewing eye to be redirected to their portal.
2. Once in the client's portal, navigate to their Docs area.
The 'Action column' displays a sync icon. Documents that have not been synced with FYI will display a light grey sync icon.
4. To sync a document with FYI, click the sync icon, tick 'FYI Docs' and click 'Apply'.
5. Once the sync is complete, the sync icon will turn green and a success message will display.
6. To view the document in FYI Docs, go to Client >Documents. You will now see the document in the client file.