The 'Advanced Search' feature allows you to search for clients that currently belong to your partner portal client list and third party integrated platform lists such as from XPM, MYOB PM or APS. This assists expediating the creation of new clients in the portal without the double handling.
NOTE: You must have successfully connected your 3rd party integration prior to use in the Advanced Search feature.
To use the 'Advanced Search' feature:
- Within your partner portal, navigate to the top of the page and click '+Advanced search'.
- A drop-down box appears. Any third party integration that can be included in the search will appear in this list.
By selecting the checkbox, client lists from the chosen integration will be viewable in the search feature. - In the search bar, type the name of the client or entity you are looking for. The dropdown box will show if the client already exists in your portal, or only exists to your chosen integration. If the client does not appear under the 'MP clients' heading, this indicates that they are not an active client in the portal.
To import the entity/client from your chosen integration, click 'Import'. - a) If adding an individual client, the following window will appear.
Set the Client type, subscription type and choose whether you want to send the client a welcome email.
IMPORTANT: Each client you import requires their own unique email address. If the client does not have their own unique email address they will not be imported.
b) If adding an entity as a client, the following window will appear, where you can adjust the Entity name and type before proceeding to add. - A success message will display where you can proceed to import client details, or send the entity or client a task to complete. Your client will now appear in the client list.