Putting a To-do 'On hold' allows you to temporarily pause the task and it's reminder notifications for the duration the To-do is 'On hold'.
To put a To-do on hold:
1. Navigate to Clients>To-dos.
2. Find the To-do you would like to put 'On hold' and click the Status icon.
This will open a small drop-down box where you can change the status of the To-do to 'On hold'.
Alternatively, use the edit pencil to open the To-do and change the status to 'On hold'. Click 'Save'.
3. The To-do has now been placed on hold and the new status is reflected in the To-do list.
A notification is sent to the assignee to let them know of the change of status.
Important: Reminder notifications will cease for the duration the To-do is 'On hold', and will resume once the status is changed.