At times, we will have clients in our list that we do not need to see regularly.
To hide the client from the main list individually:
- In your partner portal, Clients >Client List.
- Click on the three dot action item next to the client name you would like to hide and a drop down list will appear.
- In the drop down box, click ‘Hide from list’.
- Confirm you would like the client hidden from the list by clicking Save.
- Once the page refreshes, you should no longer see the client name in the main client list.
To Bulk hide clients from the main list:
- In the Partner Portal, go to Clients>Client List, check the box next to the names of the clients you would like to hide from the main list.
- Once you have selected everyone you want to hide, go to the ‘I want to… ‘ box at the top of the screen. Choose ‘Hide selected from client list’ from the drop down menu.
- A confirmation window will open. To confirm , click on the ‘Hide’ button.
- Once the page is refreshed, you will no longer see the client names in the main client list.