You can adjust the type and frequency of the email and report communications for an individual client.
To adjust the communications setting for an individual client:
- In the Partner portal, Clients>Client List and select the viewing eye of the client you would like to adjust.
- Once in the client’s file, click the profile arrow at the top right of the page and click Settings.
- In the settings window, click on ‘Communications settings’.
- In the Communication settings window, make adjustments as required. Untick the box next to the email or report you do not want the client to receive or change the frequency of the email or report (or both).
- The client will now receive only what is stipulated in their particular communication settings area.
Note: A client can only receive emails and reports that are in your company’s default communications. In the example below, Cashflow, Snapshot, Budget Reports and Tax deduction summary reports are greyed out and cannot be selected for the client as the company has not chosen this type of report in their default settings.