Once clients have completed their surveys, the Partner Portal will summarise the service needs required by the clients.
To view the opportunities and manage them:
- In the Partner Portal, click Lead Generation>Opportunities
- A list of the services is revealed and if clients have requested assistance a red dot will be seen next to the service name.
- Click on one of the services and a list of clients who need assistance with that particular service will be displayed in the drop down list. The client name, date of survey, status and Action details will be displayed.
- Click “Details’ to view information and adjust the Status. Details highlight the needs of the clients.
- Status can be adjusted to reflect progress of the opportunity.
The status are : New / In Progress / Resolved - Once adjusted, the status will be reflected in the details.
Note: Once an opportunity is flagged, your firm should contact the client to assist with the query and help your client achieve financial peace of mind.