Facilitating document uploads for your clients has never been more seamless! Easily upload documents either through the Uploaded Documents section of the Partner Portal or directly to the 'Docs' area within the Client or Entity's portal. Additionally, you have the option to send a notification to the recipient, ensuring they are promptly informed of the upload.
Upload via Client/Entity's Docs area
NOTE: The document storage system supports only the following common file formats: .csv, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .xls, .xlsx, .zip
To upload via Uploaded documents:
1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to Documents>Uploaded Documents and click 'Add document'.
2. Type the name of the client you want to share the document with and select their name from the drop down list.
3. You're taken to the upload documents area. From this screen, you can upload a document to share with your client.
NOTE: If the document requires an eSignature, visit How do I upload a document/s for digital signing
4. 'Relates to' is the first section to configure; this is the workspace that the document will be uploaded to. The "relates to" field could either be for an Entity or an Individual client, and by default is set to whichever client/entity was selected in the search box shown in step 2 (above).
5. Next, drag and drop your file/s into the 'Upload documents' area, or click 'Browse' to locate them from your device.
Uploaded documents will appear underneath the upload area.
6. By default, uploaded files are stored in the Uploads location. You can choose an exisitng folder or Room by selecting 'Change location'.
When 'Change location' is selected, you have the option to select a Doc Folder or Room.
If selecting a Folder, by default the current location (Uploads) is set. Click on the arrow to view other folders in the client's portal.
Note: You have the ability to create new Doc folders from here if needed.
Once your location has been chosen, click on it and then click 'Select location'.
7. To sync the document/s to an external document storage platform, simply select your document storage integration from the drop-down list.
- In order to sync the document to an external document storage platform, you must have a successful connection with your chosen Doc storage integration. Click here for more information about Integrations.
- When using the 'Sync to external storage' option, the file will be automatically stored in your external storage platform.
8. Finally, 'Lock this file so it can't be deleted' is enabled by default. This ensures that the client cannot delete the document/s. If you want them to be able to delete the document/s, simply untick.
You can choose to notify the client (push notification and email) of the document upload by ticking 'Notify XXX that this file has been uploaded to their portal' option.
When you are ready, click 'Upload'.
7. A confirmation page will appear, confirming that the document/s have been uploaded to the client's portal.
8. Back in the 'Uploaded documents' area, you will see your newly shared document/s are now listed.
To upload documents via the Client or Entity's Docs area:
1. Visit the Client's portal or Entity's workspace.
2. Navigate to the Docs area and drag and drop the files into the space provided, or click 'Browse' to search your computer.
3. A pop-up box will appear, asking if you want to send a notification to the Client or Authorised User, alerting them of the document upload.
Send: Clicking "Send" will send the recipients listed in the pop-up prompt a notification.
Cancel: Clicking “Cancel” will not send the recipients listed in the pop-up prompt a notification. The documents are still uploaded and stored in the portal.
4. From here, you have the option to move the file to a different document folder if required.