Can I bulk import clients from Xplan to my Partner Portal?
No, importing of clients is done on a client by client basis. This is so that the linking of team members and/or other items is established correctly in the first instance.
Once client's have been imported, you can import items in bulk for multiple clients by using the drop down menu at the top of your Client list.
My digital form has not exported all data to Xplan. Why?
If not all data exported from the client portal is sent to Xplan, we may need to re-map your form.
Please contact our Support team so we can make necessary adjustments.
In the meantime, the Baseline Integration Fact Find is available in the Digital forms area of your partner portal and is correctly mapped to Xplan. You can use this form to correct the export.
What is the 'Link to existing' option when importing items from Xplan?
'Link to existing' allows you to create a connection between items that exist in Xplan and the Client portal that are the same. This option should be used when you are importing an item from Xplan that already exists in the Client portal.
By creating a link, you avoid duplicating data and upon subsequent imports the item will automatically update without the need for you to review during the import process.
See: What do I need to consider when importing data from Xplan
Will IPS portfolio values update daily once imported from Xplan to the client's portal?
Yes, values of portfolios imported from Xplan will continue to update daily in the client's portal.
If values are not updating daily, please contact Support
Will IPS portfolio values update daily for Pro and Starter accounts?
Yes, IPS portfolio values will update daily for clients on either a Starter or Pro account.
What happens if I use 'Link to existing' to link a bank account from Xplan to a data feed linked bank account in the portal?
If you link a bank account imported from Xplan to an account on a data feed in the client portal, the items will be linked and the data fed account will take priority and continue to update daily in the client's portal. To update Xplan values, you will need trigger an export.
I have created duplicate data by failing to use the 'Link to existing' option during the import process. What do I do?
If you have created duplicate data in error, visit the client's portal and delete any wealth items or team members as needed. Any other items such as income/expense, health/lifestyle etc can be adjusted by opening a digital form and making changes as necessary.
When you trigger the next import from Xplan, be sure to use the 'Link to existing' option to link the items and avoid duplication.
I have linked an item imported from Xplan to the incorrect item in the Client portal. How do I fix this?
If you have incorrectly linked an imported item to an existing item in the client's portal, you can fix this by disconnecting the client from their Xplan file. Once disconnected, reconnect them and trigger another import of all data. You must relink all data. Be sure that the correct item is selected to link to during the review process.
I have triggered an import for a client and it has imported the same item twice. Why?
If you have imported an item for a client and it has come through twice, this may be because the item is linked within 2 separate sections in Xplan.
For example, if a client has an IPS feed and the same item is linked and visible within the Superannuation section in Xplan, the portal will detect these as 2 separate items and import both. In this scenario it is recommended to only import the IPS feed from Xplan as this will be a data feed that updates daily within the client's portal. The other should be Ignored.
If you need to delete the duplicate item you can visit the client's portal and delete the wealth item.
I have triggered an export of Superannuation items from the portal to Xplan and the item is showing under Assets & Liabilities rather than Superannuation. Why?
Xplan will only allow you to allocate a single owner to an item recorded in their Superannuation section.
Due to this, any Super items with a single owner will export to the Superannuation section. Super items with multiple owners will export to the Asset & Liabilities section.
I have triggered an import from Xplan to the portal and it has not brought through some group members and/or entities. Why?
In order to successfully import a client and their group members/entities, you must set up the group in Xplan in a specific manner.
The primary client must be created as the head of the group. Each group member/entity must then be linked to the primary client ensuring the linked group member/entity shows a '+' symbol, followed by their name and then the relationship shown in italics.
If you have linked clients to their group members or entities in any other manner, they will not import.
You can amend the group structure by viewing the primary client's profile in Xplan, visit 'Groups'>'Client groups' and edit/add other group members/entities.
Example of correct setup of Client group in Xplan:
I have triggered an import from Xplan to the portal and some items are missing. Why?
During the review process you may notice that some items have not imported. This may be the case where the group member has not been imported or there is a large quantity of items being imported.
To rectify this, simply review your entities and their setup within Xplan (as above) and then trigger another import.
If there is a large quantity of items to import, simply reimport to ensure all items are brought through and ready for your review.
I have triggered an export of items with a % of ownership allocated to "Not in team" from the portal to Xplan and they are missing. Why?
If you have allocated a percentage of ownership of an item to "Not in team" (as shown in the image below), the item cannot be exported to Xplan.
You may need to record the data manually in Xplan, or ensure that 100% of ownership of the item is recorded against all team members who exist in Xplan.
I want to import a client's bank account from Xplan to the portal. Once imported can I then link the bank account to a data feed?
Bank accounts imported from Xplan to the portal appear as a manual wealth item, and cannot be converted to a data feed. It is necessary that if you are wanting the account on a data feed, to have the client add the bank account as a new wealth item.
In order to keep data accurate and avoid duplication, in this scenario you have 2 choices:
1) Import the bank account from Xplan to the portal and then hide it from the client's wealth section.
Then have the client add the bank account as a new wealth item and export the data fed bank account back to Xplan where you can then decide if you would like to keep the original bank account recorded within Xplan or remove it completely as it was replaced with the exported data fed account from the portal.
2) Do not import the bank account from XPlan, have the client add the bank account as a new wealth item and then export the data fed bank account back to Xplan , then decide if you would like to keep the original bank account recorded within Xplan or remove it completely as it was replaced with the exported data fed account from the portal.