- What is the Xplan Integration?
- What you need to know prior to your Xplan Integration
- What client data can be imported/exported via the integration?
- Your portal & Xplan Integration: Income & Expense Category Mapping for Imports and Exports
- How to set up your Xplan integration
- How do I reconnect the Xplan integration?
- Your portal & Xplan Integration: Asset and Liability Category Mapping for Imports and Exports
- Xplan and your portal: Journey maps
- Xplan Integration FAQ
- How do I add a client from Xplan to the partner portal?
- How do I add a client group with a shared email address from Xplan?
- How do I import a client's data from Xplan to the partner portal?
- How do I trigger a bulk import of client data from Xplan?
- How do I connect/disconnect a client to/from their Xplan file within the partner portal?
- How do I review a client's data imported from Xplan?
- Importing Client data from Xplan: A guide to Importing, Linking and Ignoring
- How do I check the status of an import/export?
- How do I create a client in Xplan from the partner portal?
- How do I export client data from the partner portal to Xplan?
- How do I export documents to Xplan?
- How to preview and edit Xplan data