The Xplan integration allows you to easily add and transfer client information and data from your Partner portal to Xplan and vice versa.
In order to use the integration to its full potential, there are a few things you need to know:
1. Activate Integrations in Xplan
Before you get started, you need to ensure you have activated your Xplan integration, within your Xplan settings.
For self-licensed Partners
If you have your own Xplan site, this can be done by your system administrator or a user with the System Settings capability.
For dealer group licensed Partners
Managed Services Customers on multi-tenanted sites should contact their Account Manager and ask for the Integration to be activated.
For more information about how to activate Integrations in Xplan, visit the Xplan Knowledge Base
Once you have activated Integrations within Xplan, you can proceed to enable the integration in the partner portal.
NOTE: Only Partners on the legacy pricing plans, or Enhance and above, can import IPS portfolios. Partners on Connect may only import client details.
2. IPS Portfolios
In order to import IPS portfolios to the portal, you must connect the integration to an Xplan login that has access to the IPS Portfolio feature.
NOTE: Enabling the integration is done per staff login and will not automatically be enabled firmwide.
3. Client Entity Status within Xplan
The integration only allows Clients who are 'Active' to be imported. You cannot connect Clients who are listed as Prospects, Archived, Contact, Deceased, or Group Plan Member.
4. Group Member Structure (Xplan)
In order to successfully import a client and their group members/entities, you must set up the group in Xplan in a specific manner.
The primary client must be created as the head of the group. Each group member/entity must then be linked to the primary client ensuring the linked group member/entity shows a '+' symbol, followed by their name and then the relationship type shown in italics.
If you have linked clients to their group members or entities in any other manner, they will not import to the portal.
You can amend the group structure by viewing the primary client's profile in Xplan, visit 'Groups'>'Client Groups' section and edit/add other group members/entities.
Example of correct setup of Client group in Xplan:
5. Client workflows: Xplan Journey Maps
Whether your firm is new to the portal and has no existing client data recorded, or if you have been using both Xplan and the portal for a while, the Xplan integration covers multiple workflow scenarios and allows you to connect, create and share data between both systems. Review our Journey maps to help determine the best process to take when it comes to connecting/import/export : Xplan and your portal: Journey maps
6. Understanding Fact Find Mapping
The integration with Xplan allows approximately 80-90% of fact find information to integrate to and from both your partner portal and Xplan.
Some of the data captured within a Fact Find will be visible in the relevant area of the Client's Portal and some data will be stored within the Fact Find and will not be readily visible within the Client's portal.
To understand the full scope of data captured within a Fact Find, you can use the 'Preview/Edit data' option within the Export process.
For understanding what data can be shared between systems, see What client data can be imported/exported via the integration?
7. Superannuation items and their setup
Sharing Superannuation data from Xplan to the portal and visa versa is easy to do but there are a few things to know:
Ownership of a Superannuation Item
- Super items with a SINGLE owner will export to the 'Superannuation' section in Xplan
- Super items with MULTIPLE owners will map to the Asset/Liability section in Xplan
Importing a Superannuation item from Xplan to the portal
Superannuation items in Xplan are broken down as Taxed and Untaxed Elements, making up the total balance of the item
When Importing a Super item from Xplan to the portal, the total balance of the item is brought across to the client portal.
Exporting a Superannuation item to Xplan from the portal
When exporting the Super item back to Xplan (in the case where the client may have updated the balance within the portal, or if a new Super feed has been added to the client's portal but does not yet exist in Xplan) the balance will export to Xplan as $0. This is because the portal does not break down the total value of the item into taxable components.
In order to rectify this, you can manually change taxable component values in Xplan.
8. Risk Profile and lack of exporting to Xplan
If you are using a fact find with a Risk Profile attached, the Risk profile component will not map to Xplan.
In order to record this information in both systems, you can download a copy of the completed form and manually record the responses in the client's file in Xplan.
The completed Fact Find from your partner portal can be downloaded and a copy stored in Xplan for record keeping.
9. IPS Linked Items
If you have linked an IPS portfolio to another item in Xplan, only the IPS portfolio will be brought through in an import from Xplan to myprosperity; this is so that there is no duplication of data in the client's portal.
For example: In the images taken from Xplan below, the client has a Superannuation account that has been linked to an IPS portfolio. The Super account shows a 'Link' button and by clicking on it you can see from within the item that it is linked to an IPS portfolio. Upon import from Xplan to myprosperity only the IPS portfolio will import - the linked Super account will not.