When you begin to import your clients and their associated data through the Xplan integration, it is important that you review and action the items that have been imported through the import process.
It is only once you have imported/actioned the team member or item accordingly, that they will appear in the client's portal and fact find.
There are 2 important steps to reviewing items imported from Xplan:
1. Reviewing imported team members
2. Reviewing imported assets and other items.
NOTE: Team members must be reviewed and treated as necessary first and foremost, as this then allows you to import assets/liabilities or other items that belong to the team member.
To help you with your decision making during the Import review process, you might like to visit: Importing client data: a guide to importing, linking and ignoring
To review imported team members:
- Navigate to Configure > Integration progress.
- Locate the client that you want to review and click 'Review new items'.
- The first step in the process is to review team members in the group.
You have 3 options:
IMPORTANT : If your client has previously recorded data in their portal, it is important to use the 'Link to existing' option for each item being imported. This allows you to check for data that is the same and create a link between both, to avoid duplication.
a) Import- Add this team member to your client's portal.
Upon selecting 'Import', a slide out window appears for you to confirm or amend the details brought through from Xplan. You can change the team member's name and relationship, as well record an email address for the team member if needed.
If you want to make this person a co-owner of the account, select the 'import as account co-owner' checkbox and provide a unique email address for the person.
When done, click 'Save and Import'
NOTE: When recording a person's email address or adding them as a co-owner, this does not trigger an invitation email to the individual; it simply saves their email address within their contact details. When ready, you can send the client and invitation to their portal
b) Ignore- Ignore the team member so they are not imported into the client's portal.
By selecting 'Ignore', the team member is removed from the Import items list, but will appear the next time you trigger an import.
You have the option to bulk ignore team members by using the checkbox next to each team member's name and clicking 'Ignore selected items'.
c) Link to existing- Connect data that is the same
This option should be used where the client has previously recorded the team member in the client portal and you want to link the data coming from Xplan to what already exists in the client portal.
By selecting 'Link to existing', a slide out window appears and you can select the team member to link to from the dropdown list.
IMPORTANT: The selected team member will be replaced with the item from Xplan. Once the link between the team member from Xplan and the portal is established, they will not re-appear upon subsequent imports.
- Once you have reviewed and treated all team members as necessary, you are ready to review imported items.
- Once you have reviewed imported team members (if applicable) as shown above, you are ready to review imported assets/liabilities and other items.
NOTE: Pay attention to the 'category' column in the import screen, as this is where the data will flow to within the fact find/Client portal.
You have the same 3 choices as seen when reviewing team members: to either Import the item, Ignore the item or Link to an existing item.
IMPORTANT : If your client has previously recorded data in their portal, it is important to use the 'Link to existing' option for each item being imported. This allows you to check for data of the same and create a link between both, to avoid duplication.
a) Import- Add this item to your client's portal/fact find.
Once 'Import' is selected, the portal displays a success message and the data/item will be visible in the relevant section of the client's portal/fact find.
b) Ignore- Ignore the item so it is not imported into the client's portal/fact find
By selecting 'Ignore', the item is removed from the Import items list, but will appear the next time you import data from Xplan.
You have the option to bulk ignore items by using the checkbox next to each item and clicking 'Ignore selected items'.
c) Link to existing- Connect data that is the same
This option should be used where the client has existing data in their portal.
Upon selecting 'Link to existing', a slide out window appears and you can select the item to link to from the dropdown list.
By linking the item brought through from Xplan to an existing item in myprosperity, you are confirming that they are the same item and avoiding duplicate data upon subsequent imports/exports.
IMPORTANT: The selected item will be replaced with the item from Xplan. Once the links are established, upon second and subsequent imports the portal will auto update all previously linked items and will only import items for review that are new in Xplan or not already linked with items in the client portal.
NOTE: Depending on the category of the wealth item you are linking, the fields in this slide out window may differ. Be sure to adjust as appropriate before linking.
- Once you have actioned all of the items, the list is cleared and a message is displayed to let you know that all items have been dealt with.
All team members and imported / linked items can be viewed within the client's portal.
1. If a team member is not imported, any assets/liabilities or other items that they have a percentage of ownership in cannot be imported.
2. If there are no new team members being imported from Xplan for you to review, you will skip the first step and proceed straight to reviewing imported assets and other items.
3. Any items that have data feed capability (property, motor vehicle, bank account/loan/credit card) will be imported as a manual wealth item. You can upgrade the home and motor vehicle items to a data feed by visiting the wealth item in the client's portal and actioning as necessary.