At times, clients may add an entity within their team section but also wish for this entity to have its own workspace. Upon creating the entity they can request this from you.
No entity workspaces can be created by the client without your approval of creation.
For more information on the benefits of creating a workspace for an entity, visit Why create a client workspace for an entity?
To create a client workspace from a request:
- If your Client has requested a workspace for an entity, you will receive a notification email.
- Navigate to Clients > Workspace requests.
- A list of all Client workspace requests are shown. Review the request via the information provided.
Requested on: The date the client workspace was requested.
Entity name and type: The entity name and type (Company, SMSF etc.) being requested for a workspace.
Connection: The individual requested as the connection to the entity and their relationship to the entity.
Requested by: The person who requested the workspace.
Notes: Notes added by the requestee relating to the workspace request.
Actions: Your action choices in handling the workspace request. -
Once you have reviewed the information provided, you have 3 options as to how you would like to handle the request: Reject, Link (to existing client workspace) or Create.
a) Reject: Reject the client workspace request
If you do not want to create a client workspace for the requested entity, use the 'Reject' button.
Upon clicking 'Reject' the client workspace request is removed from the workspace request list and no further action is required.
The requestee will recieve an automatic email from the portal advising that the request has been rejected.
b) Link to existing: Link the workspace request to a existing workspace. This action will reduce the double creation of a workspace if one is already active for this entity.
If the entity workspace being requested already exists in your client list, you will need to 'Link' the request.
By clicking 'Link/Create', a pop-up box appears for you to search the entity to link the workspace request to.
Simply type in the name of the existing entity, click on their name and select 'Link'
The nominated connection will receive an automatic email from the portal to advise that they have been granted access as a connection to the entity's workspace.
The workspace request screen will show a success message and the request is removed from the list.
c) Create: Create a new client workspace for the entity
To create a new client workspace for the entity simply click 'Link/Create'.
A pop-up box appears; select 'Create'.
The nominated connection will receive an automatic email from the portal to advise that they have been granted access as a connection to the entity's workspace.
The workspace request screen will show a success message and the new entity can be found as a Client in your Client list.