Within the portal system, you can complete tasks for multiple clients concurrently by using the bulk action functionality.
The bulk actions that are available are:
- Export all clients to CSV
- Data import from Integration
- Assigning staff members to client accounts
- Unassigning staff from client accounts
- Upgrading to Pro subscriptions
- Downgrading to Starter accounts
- Sending invitation emails
- Hiding clients from the client list
- Managing the will wizard
- Assign Primary professional
- Change client portal view
To Perform the bulk actions:
- In your Partner Portal, go to Clients>Client List.
Mark the checkbox on the left of all the client names that you want included in the bulk action.
- Once you have made your selection, click on the dropdown box at the top “I want to….” and select the action you would like to perform in bulk.
Depending on the action chosen, confirm on the pop up screen to action.
- The bulk action should now be applied to all clients that were selected in Step 2.
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