***Watch this video to see how to work inside the Room feature How do I work inside the Room feature? or read instructions below.***
Once a Room is created, you, your client and other invited professionals will be able to communicate, share documents, add tasks and invite others. A chat log will be maintained showing who did what and when within the room and also provide some handy hints/reminders.
There are 6 tabs within the Room.
- Activity
- Chat
- Documents
- Tasks
- Members
- Settings
The Activity area is the central log within the Room and reflects the flow of information---the audit trail.
This area keeps every action, who did what and when, so it can be reviewed. It is a great place to understand the full making of the job or task at hand.
When a document, task or person is added, the activity reflects the action and when it came about.
The chat area is the central communication log within the Room.
Messages can be added manually by simply typing your message in the space provided. If you want a person to be notified of a message, you can use an @mention in the chat. For example, @tanya which is one of the room people. Tanya will then receive both a push notification and an email to advise of the message.
Similar to other online chat software, you can even add emojis.
This chat area allows seamless, secure communication with you and your clients.
In the document section, various required documents can be uploaded to complete the task at hand. By having this one central hub, providing the same information repeatedly is eliminated, saving time and frustration.
Documents can be added by uploading them in the system or using documents previously uploaded in the client portal.
To upload a document:
1. In the Room > Documents ,click Add Document
2. Choose to add 'a new document', or 'an existing document' (one that is already stored in the client's portal).
Choosing to upload 'a new document' ’ will allow you to select a file from your computer or drop and drag the file you would like to upload into the space provided.
*Accepted filed types: .csv .doc .docx .gif .jpeg .jpg .pdf .png .ppt .xls .xlsx .zip. - Choosing to upload 'an existing document' gives you a list of current documents in the client file to choose from. Select your file and click Import
3. Once the file is chosen and the upload is complete, the Activity tab reflects a new action, the document is listed in the Documents list and the client is notified.
4. Back in the Activity tab, a new message from the Concierge will show the file was added with the date provided.
The tasks area of Rooms is a practical To-do list for all.
Tasks are created here for people within the room and progress of those tasks can be viewed.
To add a task:
In the Rooms >Choose Room> Enter Room
In the Room > Tasks , click Add Task or create a Rapid To-do straight from the task description
Choose from the drop down list what you would like to add:
Add a To-do (rapid to-do can be done straight from the page): Add a reminder for a task to be completed and assigned to anyone accessing the room. They will receive email reminders based on the frequency chosen.
NOTE: Choosing 'Automatic' to send smart reminders based on the due date gives you a frequency occurring 90, 30, 21, 14, 7, 3, and 1 day before the task is due. If a task is overdue, this frequency continues (until 90 days after due date).
Add a digital Form: an electronic form produced from within your partner portal which enables a client to complete a questionnaire with information about their financial world. Examples include Fact finds and financial checklists. They can be assigned to members of the room.
Add a document to sign: This will allow you to send a document to be digitally signed by members of the Room. To learn how to manoeuvre through the eSignature area, simply follow the instructions How do I upload a document/s for digital signing? from Step 3.
Add a To-do (rapid to-do can be done straight from the page): Add a reminder for a task to be completed and assigned to anyone accessing the room. They will receive email reminders based on the frequency chosen.
In the Rooms >Choose Room> Enter Room
Once a task is added, it will be listed in the task page, a notification will be sent to the task assignee and the activity log will have a message notification.
How do I mark a Task as Completed?
Once the task is completed, in the task list, click the check in the actions area.
Once the check is clicked, the task will be marked as complete and the flag is removed and replaced with a check on the left . The Chat tab will display a message indicator .
Back in the activity tab, a new message from the Concierge will show the To-do was completed with the date marked as complete.
Within the Room, the Members tab shows all those invited to share the information and tasks within the room.
The staff member who creates the room, and the client/entity are all added to the room automatically . All Room members can invite people to join the room. You can invite current team members, your staff members as well as external guests and give them permissions to just access this Room or the entire client Portal.
NOTE: If you are creating a Room for an entity, none of the entity's authorised users or other Team members are automatically invited to the Room. You must add the individuals that you want to collaborate with you in the Room via the Members section.
All Authorised users will however have the option to view the Room and its contents, as well as enter the Room if needed.
To add people to the room:
- In the Partner Portal > Rooms> Enter room
Once in the room, click the Members tab.
Click ‘Add people’ and a drop down menu with adding options will appear.
- Choose from Add a team member, add a staff member or Add your own guest
a) Add your own guest: Allows you to add external guests to a client portal or entity workspace. Choose if they are a professional, member of the family or a connection (for an entity workspace), and what sort of access should be granted in the client portal or entity workspace.
Example of adding a guest to a personal/individual client portal.
Example of adding a connection to an entity workspace via Rooms- showing the option to add the individual as an Authorised user
Choosing 'None' as the Portal access option only gives the guest access to the Room.
Limited, Full and Custom access options gives them Client portal / entity workspace access as well as the Room itself. Once added, you can go into the portal and adjust the permissions for this person.
b) Add a team member: Shows all current client portal or entity workspace team members . Simply click on the member to add to the room and click Invite to Room.
c) Add a staff member: A current staff member of the firm can be added to a client’s Room by clicking ‘Add a staff member’ and choosing the staff from the list.
Choose the level of access to the client portal/entity workspace for this staff member and click 'Invite to Room'.
The team member will receive an email notification and the chat log will show team member joined the room.
An email notification is sent to the person to advise they have been invited to the Room, and the person is added in the Members tab.
The Activity tab will also reflect the new person being added in the Room
NOTE: To delete a person from the Room, simply click the ‘Members ’ tab and click on the rubbish bin in the box with the member’s name.
The Settings area is the place to view information about the Room such as when it was created and amended. It is also the place you can adjust the Room name and add a Room description.
Also, more importantly, this is the area that you can Close and Export the Room information as files to be stored for future review. Once a Room is closed, it cannot be reopened. The information will still be accessible but not editable once closed.
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