Your portal allows you to provide your clients with an efficient, effective and easy way to sign multiple documents. Save time and effort for your firm and your clients by requesting signatures via the portal- no more printing, scanning and emailing sensitive information back and forth!
eSignatures is available to use if your company’s subscription enables this.
Note: The ability to set an expiry date for a document signing request (see step 8) is only available when using the DocuSign Integration or the portal's default provider, OneSpan.
To upload a document/s for digital signing:
1. From the Partner Portal, navigate to 'Documents' > 'eSignatures' >' Request eSignature'.
2. A pop-up opens. Type the name of the client and select them from the drop-down list.
3. The eSignature area opens. 'Relates to' is the first section to configure; this is the workspace that the eSignature request belongs to.
The "relates to" field could either be for an Entity or an Individual client, and by default is set to whichever client/entity was selected in the search box shown in step 1 (above).
4. If requesting an eSignature for an individual client or group, by default the client/s will appear as the first recipients.
If requesting an eSignature for an entity, no default recipient is chosen so you will need to assign one. This might be a connection already added to the entity workspace, or a brand new recipient.
If required, you can add additional recipients by clicking '+Add recipient'.
NOTE: eSignatures require full names (first and last names). If you have a client with just a first name displayed, edit the signer name by going to the 'Team' section of the client portal and ensure the client has a first and last name.
Add a new recipient: Allows you to add an external party to the document package. Add their first and last name as well as email address. New signers will be added as guests into the client or entity account (with no access permissions other than to sign document).
Add a team member: Select a team member (or connection of an entity) who already exists within the client portal.
Add a recipient with shared email: Allows you to send the document for signing using an email address that already exists in the portal. This is ideal for clients who share an email address.
To delete a recipient: Click the rubbish bin icon on the right hand side of their name.
5. (Optional) If multiple recipients have been added, you can enable signing order by turning on the signing order toggle. Once enabled, simply select the appropriate order for the signer using the drop-down arrows shown.
6. Upload your document/s by clicking 'Browse computer', 'Browse portal' (if you are uploading a document that already exists in the portal) or drag and dropping the file/s into the upload area.
To delete a document, select the rubbish bin icon to the right of the file name.
NOTE - File upload requirements:
- Max file size for signing : 16MB
- Total of files to be sent as a package must not exceed 50MB
- Only .pdf files can be sent for signing.
- The PDF file must be non-editable
- Accepted file types for supporting documents (not required to be signed) : csv, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, xls, xlsx, zip.
- You must select at least ONE document for e-signing.
If you do not tick at least one of the e-signature checkboxes, an error message will appear asking you to select at least one document for signing. - Packaged documents will be locked by default (clients will not be able to delete locked packages).
7. Choose your preferred esignature provider for the doc signing request.
8. If uploading multiple documents, you can rename the package/file name (if required), add a message to show your recipients before they review the document and set an expiry date for the signing package.
9. Select the area or folder in which you want to store the document/s in their portal.
By default, uploaded files are stored in the Uploads location. You can choose an exisitng folder or Room by selecting 'Change location'.
When 'Change location' is selected, you have the option to select a Doc Folder or Room.
If selecting a Folder, by default the current location (Uploads) is set. Click on the arrow to view other folders in the client's portal.
Note: You have the ability to create new Doc folders from here if needed.
10. Sync your document/s to a selected external document storage provider.
* In order to sync to a document management platform you must have a successful connection with your chosen Doc storage or eSignature integration. Click here for more information about Integrations.
* If using the 'Sync to external storage' option, the unsigned file will be automatically stored in your external storage platform, and once signed by the recipients the file is replaced with the signed copy.
11. After clicking "Save and Next," you will be redirected to the next screen to position and allocate the type of signatures required. You can Delete the current signatures fields on the first page if the signature is required on a page further down just by using the 'Clear all' button. This removes the need to drag the signing fields to other pages.
12. You can drag and drop the signing fields to the required positions.
13. You can add additional signatures by identifying the page and position of the signature required, selecting the recipient by clicking on their name in the Recipients section and then clicking on the “Signature” option in the Fields section.
14. Once a signature has been placed on the document it can be edited by clicking on the signature tab that was placed. Once a tab has been selected the right section of the page provides options to change the tabs Settings as well as Field Formatting options to adjust the font size.
15. Within this Settings section you have the ability to change the recipient of the signature as well as the type of signature this tab represents.
- Click to Sign - The client will click and it will show an electronic stamp recording the name and date signed.
- Click to Initial - The client will click and it will add the client’s initials where placed.
- Capture Signature - The client will be required to actually sign their name using their finger on their phone screen or computer touchscreen or use their computer’s mouse to sign their name.
16. In the Fields section you can add a number of signature based fields as well as a variety of checkbox and text field options. These options become available once a placed signature field has been selected. To view all Field options place your cursor over the Fields section and scroll down using either a mouse-wheel or by clicking and dragging the scrollbar that appears.
Text field: Allows the recipient to add text. You have the option to create this as a mandatory field. You have the option to create this as a mandatory field.
Text area: This is a multi-line area that accepts any text entered by the signer prior to signing. You have the option to create this as a mandatory field.
Checkbox: Allows the recipient to tick a checkbox. You have the option to create this as a mandatory field.
Radio: Used to select one of many given choices. Radio buttons are shown in radio groups to show a set of related options, only one of which can be selected. You have the option to create this as a mandatory field.
List: Allows you to create a list of responses the recipient can choose from. You have the option to create this as a mandatory field
Label field: This is a READ-ONLY label that will be stamped on the PDF.
17. Using the “Accept Only” option under the Recipients section allows you to make this eSignature request only require the client to accept the document and not have to sign. Selecting this option will remove all signatures and fields that were added previously. You will then be prompted to choose who is required to accept the document when received.
For more information, see Can I send a document to a client to read and accept without requesting a signature?
18. When you have finished, click ‘Send’ or ‘Send Manually’.
Click here for more information on the difference between ‘Send’ and ‘Send Manually’.
Depending on your sending requirements, your client can receive an email and a push notification on their mobile app advising of the signature required, but all clients will see a notification on their portal advising a signature is required.
Note: Reminders are sent automatically to the recipient at 3, 6 and 9 days post the request being sent.
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