Partner help centre
Wealth Portal
Admin settings
Admin settings
How do I change the email address I use to log in to my Partner Portal?
How do I add and invite staff to my Partner Portal?
How do I adjust Partner Portal permissions for my staff?
How do I remove a staff member from my Partner Portal?
What is Private mode? How do I enable / disable it?
My Account
How do I Update my email notifications?
Getting started explained - the Sign up
How do I update my firm's details and/or logo?
How do I update my user profile?
Example client communications regarding MFA
Multi-Factor Authentication Enhancements
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
How do I manage (enable/remove) my Multi-Factor Authentication methods for my staff login?
Payment & Plan
How do I upgrade my portal subscription?
How do I update my payment details?
Where can I view my invoices?